If you own a business then implementing an ERP is a
good idea to improve the efficiency, increase in overall customer satisfaction,
improvement in productivity and most importantly it will act as a backbone for
your organization.
As your company grows and seeks to work smarter, a big issue often emerges, how to select an ERP system that’s right for you. Selecting the right ERP system for your company is certainly an important and complex undertaking, and there are multiple factors to carefully consider as part of that process. Our process includes, the RFI, “Request For Information” and RFP “Request For Proposal” redaction, the scoping and supporting the implementation in the different phases.
SAP ERP is one of the leading Enterprise solution manufacturers whose product caters to various large and small corporations worldwide. As of now, more than 440,000 customers in more than 150 countries use SAP software solutions. Redefining the popular belief that SAP is for big businesses, today over 80% of its users are small and medium enterprises. Finding out the best SAP development solution is a difficult task but definitely possible.